Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cause of electrical hazards

Fire Safety Training & Certification

Proper operation of electrical installations require that machinery, equipment & electrical circuits & lines be protected from hazards caused by both internal (arising within the installation) and external factors

Internal Causes

 Over Voltage

 Short Circuit

 Over Current

 Corrosion, leading to electrical current leakage to ground

 Heating of conducting and insulating material that may result in emission of toxic gases, component fires & inflammable atmosphere explosion

External Causes

 Mechanical factors like fall, bumps, vibration

 Physical & Chemical factors, natural or artificial radiations, extreme temperature, oils corrosive liquids, humidity

 Wind, snow falls, lightening

 Animals in both urban & rural settings may damage the power lines insulation & so cause short circuit or false contact

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Fire Safety Regulations 2023

  Gujarat Fire Prevention And Life Safety Measures Regulations 2023  (Click here for Download)